
I love cigarettes and will probably never quit. At the same time I hate them and desperately want to.

I personally gave up on the NBA the instant the Heat won that title against OKC. Between then and The Decision the only reason I followed it was to root against the Heat. It's a dumb league, the regular season is passionless boredom and the playoffs are just a formality because everyone knows who's winning on Day 1.

I've been existing in this zone for 5 years now. I have had other relationships (they fail) and it's just been this annoying streak of bad luck(?) that were never single simultaneously. Sometimes when we're really drunk we talk about it but I'm not ruining my relationship with this woman over unfulfilled feelings we

The word "racism" has been used 625 times in the past millisecond by upper - middle class white people desperately trying to bathe in their white guilt because I guess that's how you get social capital now.