
This is what I don’t get. People in the US, by and large, seem to shout that being more strict on gun control won’t remove guns from criminals. But it would have removed the gun from this man (as another report has said he has a history of acting erratically). Also, dude, everyone having access to guns seems to be

Yeah, I think it’s very hard for men to take the bulk of parenting on in terms of self esteem (much how it is difficult for women to take on the role of major bread winner instead of parenting). I think it will take a few generations, but it is getting better! At least from the people I talk to, it is. My work

Okay, well then it needs to be examined why men are making more than it career choice, negotiating, etc? I was simply going off of the article which said basically having kids tanks your salary as a women, so beforehand there is a 50/50 chance of whether the man or the woman in the partnership makes more

Maybe then those women should discuss it with their partner, and see if their partner is willing to not work...? If I had a kid, my fiance (male) would give up work, and I’d keep working (once the 6 weeks full pay mat leave was up). So...why can’t others do this? Is it because men are already being paid more by the

This is why I think they should do away with separate paternity/maternity leave, call it parental leave, and give the couple 9 months/12 months/however much leave they get to divide up how they see fit. Both of you want to take 4.5months off at the same time? Go for it. You want to take half of it off while your

I’m British and didn’t even think of the racist implications. Calling a toddler a cheeky monkey is definitely a term of endearment. Or calling them other small mischievous animal (my cousin called her toddler possum :D). I will have to be sure not to use monkey in the wrong context :/

My fiance is struggling with finding a job - it sucks. And due to some idiotic admin thing, he doesn’t qualify even for jobseekers unemployment benefit (despite the fact that he has been employed or in education since he was 16 and has paid plenty into the system). Apparently, being in education for part of the year

I watched a nice video on FB (I knowwww) about not making resolutions, but focusing on moving forward in some small way each and every day. So if your new years resolution is to, say, learn a language, just make sure you do one thing that takes you closer to that goal every day - write a study plan, write one note

Dunno, my aunt is now in her 60s and seems happy. No one pressures her to find a partner, and she likes living alone (her own admission - she has her ways and enjoys doing what she wants). I have always found her a good role model for me (I’m not sure if I want kids, but I am in a relationship so idk). She used to

My aunt is single, never been married, has no kids, and took early retirement. She now draws her pension and also teaches kids with learning difficulties part time. She travels with her friends or alone (she has a youth hostel card and makes use of it!), dyes her hair mad colours and goes to shows/conventions for

The main reason so many people in Switzerland have guns is because they are farmers and/or they do national service. Actually getting hold of ammo is very difficult.

I’ve been put off the iud because I had the arm implant thing (nexaplanon) and fuck my life. It triggered my bipolar to get horrendous, gave me terrible fucking periods that lasted 10+ days and would sometimes turn up twice a month and my cramps lasted even when I didn’t have a period. I tolerated this for nearly 5

I’m legitimately terrified. I live in the UK, and brexit was the stupidest thing I’ve seen... Except for Trump -_-everyone keeps saying “it’ll be fine” but I don’t think it will be. I’m looking at emigrating back to Switzerland (where I grew up) but the whole of Europe is a huge crisis.

More importantly, does it come in sizes for tig ol bitties? I bought some super industrial sports bras (£25 each on Amazon coz end of line, normally £50) because normal sports bras are worse than useless. I realise I’m not super common size (I float between a 34G and 32GG) but if you are a larger boob’d lady I just

We have an office in the US and I went out to see the sales manager. Very intelligent woman, very lovely to speak to, educated, great at her job - and apparently voting for Trump?! I asked her why, and got a sort of non-committal wave of the hand and a “Oh, you know, I just want someone who isn’t a politician in

Doc martens and dresses is a punk rock staple. I like wearing my boots with super flowery girly dresses and a leather jacket. Makes me feel kick ASS XD

Take the 10k, share 50/50 with nice sister. And get nice sister to play a bigger role, like walking her down the aisle.

Seagulls are bastards. One stole my ice cream >:( Another stole my cousin’s boyfriend’s pasty. So rude.

Damn tourists, leave Cornwall. Go on, bugger off. Give me my roads back, and give the baby seals their beaches back.