
I’ve never been to an OBGYN :/ I’ve had a pap smear and sti tests and get birth control from my GP. Not sure if it’s different coz I’m in the UK... Usually you don’t see an OB unless you have a specific reason (symptoms or difficult pregnancy). General nursing staff or GP cover the rest.

There is a lot that would not be rated PG about birth...blood, gore, vagina, naked people emerging from other naked people *shudder*. Having an over PG rating doesn’t mean it’s sexual, it means it’s graphic. Which if you are filming a video of a birth, it would be. It’s not sexual, it’s violent and graphic.

I do not understand the argument from these idiots.

Don’t get fitted by Victoria’s Secret if you have an unusual bra size...I got fitted there as a teenager (I knew my damn bra size, woman insisted on measuring me because I said “Dude I know you don’t carry my size, it’s fine, I’ll just buy some knickers...”). Measured OVER my school uniform shirt and told me

Question from a non-American: how is any of this legal? I have a vague understanding that there is state level and national level law (so maybe in one state you can buy beer on a Sunday, in the other you can’t, but in no state can you buy beer under 21, that sort of thing), but isn’t abortion legal on a national

Sounds like the UK. I don’t know what NPD is (in my office, that means new product development! :D Does Canada have a group of R&D researchers running for prime minister? ;)), but we have the BNP who...are gross...and UKIP...who are also gross. I vote green because I they are the only honest lot left. I would have

Once again I am glad I did not go to university in America. At 18 you are an adult and should be allowed to have some damn vodka if you want. The law for no drinking under 21 is a stupid enough law, but "no alcohol in your clubhouse" or whatever the fuck the rule is here? Damn. Newsflash old American dudes (because

Hell, I’m 28 and I cried yesterday because the healthy quiche thing I was making went completely wrong and egg and feta cheese went all over the floor and I had wasted 10 fucking minutes slicing bloody sweet potatoes. I had to be consoled by the wonderful fiance and bought prawn tempura as a consolation. <3 I get

I'm a native German speaker. It means both I am a doughnut and I am a Berliner. As Berliner means doughnut......and it is more common to say "Ich bin Berliner" to avoid this teasing.

This still makes me giggle because in German that translates to "I am a doughnut". Not that I am mocking JFK, but it is a funny illustration of the dangers of direct translations :D

I have resting MURDER face apparently. For ages I was always puzzled (delighted, yet puzzled) as to why I didn’t get cat called or hit on in an inappropriate way. Sometimes I even got weirdly sad (as in, I am such a hideous troll even creeps won’t hit on me - IDK man, it was hard being 21). And I mentioned this to my

I saw Tenacious D at Leeds fest back when I was young and it was def my favourite set! I have a bit of a random crush on Jack Black...he’s so adorable I just want to give him a big hug.

Tourist class sounds nicer than every other name in heard for economy (cattle class is a common one). My mum (British) calls it pleb class XD this is amusing as we always fly economy and seriously most of the time on cheap airlines you are treated like you’re not worthy.

Right? I want to get tweezers and just... *pluck* I mean more power to her if she likes the look, it personally makes me a bit twitchy. But then I don't love the huge blocky brow look anyway clearly an old haha

Mcds chocolate shake and fries. Omnomnom. I’m on a diet at the moment (well...a “lifestyle change”... Whatever, it doesn't involve such delights) and I want it so bad. I only live 2min from a mcds as well... The struggle is real.

I am not sure what she was involved in, but there have been quite a few not so peaceful demonstrations by anarchist groups (which are anti-fascist, anti-war, etc. But also notably anti government). This has caused a lot of damage to property and violence towards select groups of people. So it is likely they were

You... You can’t sue for stuff like that in the UK. You’d be laughed out of court :/

$900/month is more than I’m paying (<£700/month) for my three bed house in Cornwall, which is the British seaside county of choice. Rich fools come here on holiday all the time....

My friend lives in London and pays just shy of £400/month for a a house in zone 3...which has mushrooms growing out the kitchen

I love how people insist organics are better for you. They aren’t inherently better for anything except the environment, really. Like you can eat a non-organic tomato and an organic tomato and both are gonna be a damn tomato, just one is going to be twice the price. And organics do use pesticides. They just have to be

The ways I’ve met partners: School, School, Bar, Internet. If someone asked me out in a bookshop I’d be confused and a bit horrified. Especially if I didn’t know them at all (not, you know, cute story of you always go and buy books at the same time, get talking, etc. and then go out). If I am in a bookshop, I am