
Bro, do you even pottytrain?

Original title was correct... Scientists totally DID IT.

I think it's more appropriate to say that Starbuck is a character who shouldn't have died in the first place... Or been given a better death. Either or.

A two month old corpse is untreatable, no matter how much treatment you give it...

Generally speaking, the main picture in almost all of the articles is horrifically inaccurate... I think they choose them based on how well they match the article title, rather than the article / reality...

You're still able to drive like I'm still able to drive as fast as I want...

According to the pictures in the article, the oceans would form circles in the centers of the faces, and the atmosphere would be sort of a squarish sphere...


He invented tracing. There's no way to verify if the autograph he gives you is his...

Would it? Just write an algorithm to pick a random location, and apply a random distortion to the neighborhood. Maybe smear a little in a random direction... Would that not look just like this?

Because those things don't say, "I know you like tools" like a Home Depot gift card does...

"Here. I have no idea what you might like at a low granularity, but I wanted to prove that I care enough to have left the house and know what category of things you could possibly want!"

Because it's important to know that Han doesn't shoot first...

Wife's eye makeup has glitter in it. Wife hugs you. Later, wife finds glitter. Glitter could only have come from the boobs of a stripper...

According to the story, it's a state statute, not a Federal one... So they'd only be considered terrorists in Oklahoma, which basically means they don't hate gay people enough...


What is this weird obsession with 'faster everything'. The CPU in my 21-year old Dell can still do some centralized processing...

The difference is, the people on the Apple computers theoretically should know better. Command line commands are well documented. XBone button sequences are not.

Tenderizes the meat...