
> MakerBot's Desktop 3D Scanner Is a Real-Life Star Trek Replicator

Go Zuck yourself...

Literally Hitler? Hmmmm...

Ass, Ass, Indeed!

I guess I have a higher opinion of my ability to throw things than you do of yours...

I can think of a whole host of scarier things than throwing a live grenade, the most obvious of which would be having one land near your feet...

Seems as though this is implemented in GNOME menus as well...

You can debate if iOS has any quality games, but you'd have to be completely uninformed or stupid to question their quantity of games...

Call me back when iOS has quality games like Replicant Island and Snesoid...

Yes, because if I had the choice between supporting 2 difference devices or 2 thousand, I'd go with 2 thousand... that's why Android's gaming market is booming while Apple hardly has any games on their iOS mobile platforms.

Canadian? Ewww...

5th! So you're an idiot...

No, it wasn't.

Your mom's fat.

The only person who actually ages in Star Wars is Anakin Skywalker...

This is going to require at least twice as many trips to fat camp as normal...

Woah, blah blah blah boy was I shocked blah blah blah sister's counsin blah blah blah $80 an hour blah blah blah...

Yes, but I think the point of the article is that you don't care enough to vote with any of them...

Please stop talking about making people upset. It's upsetting me...
