
But if it was bigger, you'd hold it father away... right? Isn't that how Apple says it works?

I really wanted to read this article, but I could not.

In order for the pictures to get prettier, ugly people must grow longer arms...

I'd prefer an action cam with interchangeable Jason Bornes so I could Matt Daemon back into the new one.

I wanted to read this article, but I couldn't find it...

Yeah, my comment was meant in the context of the article... Without tracking, you'll get ads for penis enlargement rather than that Kitchaid Mixer you were price shopping for.


Yes, for that quote, I chose Dr. Eggman / Robotnic.

A test that will tell you if you're going to have a heart attack...

Did we really need a study to tell us burgers make people happy?

Pink meat should protect against breast cancer, right?

So, what you're saying is... they *don't* exist. That makes much more sense.

Conan got pushed out of his job by Jay Leno after not having it very long...

Wow, I didn't know I was a CGI expert but if you say so Giz ;-)

I wasn't talking about the 3D effect, I'm talking about making two images that are hand-shaded like that and have the shading match so perfectly in both images.

Friends, you shall drip rubies, you'll soon drip precious... rubies

Tebow & Manning =~ Obrien & Lenno.

My mind can't comprehend how these can exist...

But you said I was the future of the Jets....

Not especially.