
Is that a snuff GIF?

You better finish your soda, Skip! There are roofless kids in Ecuador, you know!

Yeah, and why don't people in Africa just install indoor plumbing in their houses so they can stop spending their money dying of malaria and buy their poor kids some food!

Your picture looks like upside-down tattooed cleavage...

Next up: How to turn your girlfriend into a hoover

And stupid fatties from Jersey...

Agricultural subsidies are actually designed to keep the prices up by paying farmers *not* to grow crops on regular intervals.

> 90 percent of our corn here in the USA is GMO corn from Monsanto

I found an image of the free tethering...

Paper stills grows on trees, right?

I'd still rather be an official Buckyball tester...

They can't be what they SOUND LIKE...

I have died, everyday...


It looks really nice, but I still don't like using the term sharpness when you mean clarity ;-)

Eh, it probably sounds like trolling, but I assure you it isn't.

1. Being newer doesn't make something better.

If the app ecosystem is what's the deciding factor, and you prefer Apple over Android, then the iPad 1 is better than all other tablets (except the 2 and new, of course) and there's no point in writing the article in the first place.

> i can confidently say much better cpu. the A5 was much better than variant of the OMAP that the playbook runs.

> much better processor