> it gets docked in the Google algorithm
> it gets docked in the Google algorithm
He never said it was an iPad 2...
Yeah, I too miss the days where I could freely uninstall programs on my machine...
Selling nibs is their business, so it is someone's business. Theirs. So no.
And yes, I know the laptop wasn't in space...
I mean, putting something in friggen space should be sufficient physical security that they don't need to encrypt stuff...
Indeed. I should have meant that...
This is true of Patsy Cline as well.
Technically, it's shaped like an egg. Can I cross the bridge now, please?
Jobs was fine with gimmicks, but it was damned sure going to be *his* gimmick...
Or you could just remote desktop for free...
There is absolutely no reason for this to exist...
If someone at Apple approves tacking "HD" onto the end of a product line, you can absolutely be assured it stands for "He's Dead" as Jobs would never stand for that crap.
Only if it can bend it like Beckham.... Where it is light.
I feel like this could cause a Darwin's Paradox... Making women want to procreate with you immediately but also killing you before they get the chance.
Because you suck.
They did, and he did.