
Good post bud.

It was yes and as a owner of a Impreza and I’ve driven a many others, they always push into understeer unless you force the car to do otherwise!


Another reason why this matters: Competitor Group gets individuals who think they're donating their time to help a non-profit, charity focused race to volunteer, as opposed to paying workers.

Why is it not blue

They’re making a diesel generator for that beast.

Somewhere, the Raiders GM is also sad.

When Subaru makes a more functional bed, you know you screwed up

Someone misses their H2 with a bed too small to put anything more than a cooler in it.

He’s literally the reason we don’t have nice things. I’m dying!

Duracell is also announcing a battery for electric cars later this year. It recharges from a handy spout you pour gasoline in.

One ring to fool them all

Yay! Knockhill racing circuit! It’s compact and twisty, and it’s built on a windswept hillside in Scotland, making it one of the coldest places on the earth. I have personally almost died of exposure a couple of times watching BTCC races there. In July.

The early 80's up to 1985 Celicas had the same 22R motor and drive train components as the indestructible pickup. And its RWD. Love my 85 GTS fender flares and all. 425,000 miles and still looks good, races in SCCA and all the options (loaded) still work. Reliable as a brick. I see a lot of these in OR and WA

Unless you’re the editor, it’s nacho call to make.

+1 Live No Mas

He got his bell rung.

I’m going to get a high score and enter my initials as ASS