
Not really since Cummins is an engine mfg and supplier. They aren't owned by any one auto mfg. Hell, any of the pickup mfgs could buy from Cummins.

I've been doing it for years, works worldwide and there's IRC baked in it.

Maybe after 30 years of silence, he can parlay his total douchery into show biz again, just like John McEnroe.

How could I forget

They saved that dogs life. If it was my dog I would be grateful beyond words.

Holy grail of fluffy pictures

Ok Stef your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to obtain a picture of one Pastor Maldonado holding Fluffy Bunny after crashing himself out of free practice, qualifying, the race, getting into the hotel elevator, driving to/from the hotel, retrieving his luggage from the baggage carousel, etc...

If the Acura's a manual, something fishy is totes up.

Dear camera-person,

I think I found the culprit.

How about a lightly "broken" in PT Cruiser with wood panels and a green interior?

I openly hate minivans, but somehow even I can't help but like the Transit Connect. It's a great little van, truly.

"I crash a lot. There's nothing wrong with me."

Snow isn't going to help you if your car is upside down though.

White, Carbon Brakes, Delete Everything, Long Range Fuel Tank.

Do the Jingle .......... Do the Jingle!

Ah, the Japanese Bubble Era at it's finest. The gullwing doored Autozam (made by Mazda) was incredible, but it was too expensive to compete with other Japanese Kei cars, and so expensive that it encroached on the Miata's territory.