CaptDale - is secretly British

God that is an ugly car

That is a pretty car

Ugh, I paid for a spot to enter a car in the show, but looks like that is going to fall through. So I will go to the show, but have no vehicle to enter. So sad

This looks awful

People are assholes. Standing around cars doing donuts with little to no protection is your fault, don’t blame the driver for losing it.

Too bad it doesn’t make me ever want one. I would even say no thanks to a free one

The Jeep Grand Cherokee does this just at all 4 corners

My car and I are sad to see the Holden manufacturing end.

Mostly, people not keeping in the right lane and then getting mad when you give them the universally accepted double high beam flash for them to get over. Why is that so difficult?

I hate car keys that don’t actually have a physical home inside their vehicle, but that’s more a fault of my own idiocy than engineering.

I love this. Thank you for sharing

It is really so bad. I skipped ahead hoping maybe that was just intro crap, but no. The whole video is this awful crap.

This is literally the worst thing ever. How can people enjoy listening to people talk like this?

Gosh, that is sad. AIM and Holden both shutting their doors. Sad days for us all.

Steph I love your work and this is no exception. I especially want to thank you for cementing my want of the 380hp V6 with the manual. All the other reviews keep talking hp this and V8 this, but I like the V6 and I prefer manual cars over anything else. I really am thinking of buying one of these and I definitely want

Funny, I used to dance at the Phoenix Club. That is a nice venue. Maybe I will go

How badly do you wish you had an LS?

I swear we had something like Coke Blak here in the US in the mid 2000s. It was really gross. Two flavors that shouldn’t come together.

You are missing the best part! Their slogan is “Dead-Low Funeral Service”