you have convinced me to only write about bad cars now
you have convinced me to only write about bad cars now
This is literally the worst part of this site and others like it. Driving up used car values.
You all need to quit posting this crap. LC80s were finally getting old enough to come down to a good price. They were a great little secret, awesome trucks, very capable, reliable, and understated. I purchased a 1996 triple locked, totally stock for around $3k a few years ago. With all of these stories, everything…
You know, when I worked somewhere that didn’t allow facial hair per dress regulations, but had no regulations about hair length, I thought I was a rebel by growing my hair out as long as I could while keeping my beard just at the 5 o’clock shadow level all the time. I think June’s got me beat.
To me, this reads as a $3,500 Explorer with a $2,400 VCR in it. Plus, it’s slightly more top-heavy, just in case they weren’t “tippy-over” enough already.
Please NASCAR fans, tell me again that people aren’t there hoping for wrecks?
It's a back to school special!
It's a back to school special!
This is REALLY bad for someone with military training. The gig line was drilled into us to death. Just sayin’.
As someone who wears skirts very often, the skirt one is my biggest fear. I actually saw it happen to a girl at a wedding a few weeks ago. She wanted to die. I wanted to die on her behalf. We were all mortified.
My late uncle, a former IH dealer, drove one of the first generation scouts for many years. If I remember correctly, it had a cloth top. It was slow, crude looking, tough, and inclined to use a lot of fuel for its size. I am not quite sure why I always found it so interesting.
I never understood how a tractor manufacturer could build something that rusted so bad. Most tractors live their life in the elements, but a scout will rust if you look at is salty.
My dad had one in light blue when I was growing up. I'll never forget him taking me to school in it and it stalling out at the end of our block. It was cold out and the carb was finicky. He shot the carb with starting fluid and asked me to turn the key. POOF! Flames shot up 10ft in the air!
Yep. All Scouts have “removable” roofs.
You made me fall in love with Scouts. I seriously can’t believe they’re still as inexpensive as they are, compared to first gen Broncos.
Ha yeah I obviously made Tavarish do all the actual work while I sat around and drank.