
Vacuum cleaners.

Where do the missles go?

I would like to say Hamilton is playing his part like some bad reality TV personality but I think in reality he’s just a cry-baby dick.

lol (Hoping that’s sarcasm)

People are going to fall dead asleep using this thing (pun intended) unless they add sleep tracking that some company had, probably Volvo, that sounds an alarm and turns off the Autopilot.

Yeah, maybe he’s a “Mr. No Personality.” I can’t stand Hamilton though so I guess if I had to choose I prefer Nico in that team. Maybe this is why I’ve lost interest in F1 over the last few years, I don't really like any of the drivers on any team.

I kind of feel sorry for Nico. It seems like he doesn’t fit in with the other drivers and that they make fun of him all the time. I’ve heard other drivers comment about him being the only girl in F1, Riccardo kind of made fun of him during his video through the paddock, Lewis has dissed him on TV a couple of times.

Drivers get interview coaching from their PR departments before they’re barely out of diapers. Being themselves isn’t usually an option. Sebastian seems to be getting away with it finally. His jokes aren’t too funny but you can tell the other guys are cracking up because he’s breaking the rules.

Actually I think I’m gonna throw up. Was this pre- or post-lawsuit. Jorge is just doing PR damage control - asked of him from the Valencia organizers, probably Dorna, FIM, presidente of Spain. He believes this script he was handed to read about as much as he believes in Monster as a superior drink to anything.

You’re being a troll because you’re being snarky and you’re basically trying to be an asshole.

Why do I hate all these names?

Did I miss the Alexander Rossi props? Granted this isn’t a US website per se but c’mon, surely it's an interesting bit.

Their older study about 1/3 of fish in general being mislabeled.

99% of the time sushi salmon is farmed atlantic salmon, even in Portland, OR.

I bought a magnetic strip, tried it out before I hung it up which was a good thing because the strip bent the edge of the blade. You should check yours out.


If that's what 1653lbs looks like, I'm ok with that.

I love Yamaha but this is dumb. It's a good engineering exercise I suppose but it misses the mark by trying to have a tie-in with Valentino Rossi. I'm sure they could make a standalone autonomous 2 wheeled robot more efficiently by not starting with a motorcycle.

Yamaha talks about surpassing Valentino. Maybe they’re trying to develop a rider in-house who doesn’t run wide.