
Is really more cost effective to make an entirely new aircraft than to make improved B-2’s?

Blue Thunder, Airwolf, Nighthawk, Automan, Manimal - it was a golden age for 9yr olds.

Do we really need this plane? Does the B-2 have issues that can’t be fixed? I mean the B-52 is still kicking for Chris’s sake.

I dunno, there’s so much ugliness going on, even the Aztek doesn’t look weird anymore.

False alarm. JDM only.

Been shorting some stocks Doug?

Thanks for articulating what I’ve thinking.

Marquez leaned into/onto Rossi. From behind. He was trying to take Rossi out. There was no indignation from Marquez while he was trying to get back on his bike. He knew he was in the wrong the entire time.

What did everyone expect?

There’s going to be a lot of Tesla drivers asleep at the wheel. Just dumb.

I might be this B&D vac first for about the same price.

I might be this B&D vac first for about the same price.

People are horrible drivers and end up killing many, many other people as well as themselves as is. But I’m amazed Tesla released this out to the public. It seems like a beta version but the total complacency that the Autopilot is going to cause is a bad combination for a company that’s always had technical glitches

If the decibel/frequency chart is accurate it would help with hearing protection. At 100 decibels the OSHA limit is 2hrs of exposure and you can double the time for every 5 decibels. Earplugs tend to give you a reduction of 25-30 decibels so they do a better job but have their drawbacks.

Apparently they don’t make standard cabs anymore, news to me. The first picture hides it pretty well but the full side view turns it into a boat.

But they done messed up in BTTF because when Marty comes to a stop once he gets to where his neighborhood should be in 1955 he tries to restart the car after coming to a stop. The car doesn’t start and they go to a shot of what would be assumed is the plutonium fuel gauge and seeing that it’s flashing low the audience

Bernie Ecclestone is a crazy assclown (I’m joking of course Bernie) but fuck Red Bull. They used to be an underdog who seemed to throw their sponsorship money into anything, including Sauber way back when. But if they’re going to pull out just because they can’t take responsibility for losing with their partner who

Non-white roads matter.

I heard Ferrari was using Haas’s resources this year which has led to improvements while skirting any regulations. It's always been called a technical partnership and everyone was assuming it was only going to in the obvious direction.

That technology they use is nucking futs.