
It can be argued that for any given year, bigger cars are safer. Bigger cars are more expensive. File this under “No Fucking Shit?” I really don’t see how anything could solve the problem of people with less money can’t afford the newest and biggest cars.

Beat me to it!


Yeah but if you go into the doctor after you find out you’re pregnant they still whip out the whiz wheel and give you a date. Some people get hung up on that date which is based off of really poor data to start with.

80 mph in a parking lot?

The Tesla’s doors ultimately do need more space, vertically. And like people have said this only takes care of the rear seats which I guess is all fine and good if you’re going to be driven around by a driver or as an autonomous car.

People do schedule their deliveries all the time. Either through c-sections or inductions. One is slightly more reliable than the other. Due dates are also WAGs at best. It’s based on asking the mother about her last period. It astounds me people get wrapped up in a specific date given the many, many variables that go

Bike lanes.

If you haven’t lived with powered doors don’t knock it. Our van is 8yrs old and zero problems. They can have problems just like any other part, most likely caused by abuse, but the only concern I have is the drain on the battery when the engine is off which after 8yrs hasn’t been an issue. Tesla’s gullwing looks like

Would have preferred

So fine!

So it’s as “good” as Playstation Home. Got it.

He creamed the WSBK field on a new (to him) manufacturer, bike and circuits. That’s just mind blowing. Then he got into MotoGP and he himself said he could pull a rabbit out of the hat a few weekends but to do it like Rossi and Stoner every weekend was just too much. MotoGP is for sure the pros compared to the bush

I’ll just leave this right here.

This took way too much scrolling to find.

Let's compare 70s cars and early 2000s cars. Man you trollin.

Meh. I remember the previews and lead-up to the movie talking about the great car chase scenes and a former F1 driver but I was and still am disappointed. They’re all kind of dull and just don’t deliver. I don’t need big explosions and fast camera cuts but maybe they were just too real? I don’t know, it was and is

But isn’t it kind of fitting that the home of capitalism and the throw away culture would represent ourselves with this? He sees it and says to himself: Si. Estoy en los Estados Unidos.