
And that particular model is crap anyway.

And that particular model is crap anyway.

Or maybe they’ll be too depressed to do anything at all.

Haven’t the people with accents taught us anything?

Sorry Philae.

If it’s carefully stored in the gastank of a shitty 15 yr old Craftsman push mower, gasoline will last indefinitely.

I don’t understand why it takes so long just to update windows defender. Does it really take that long to see if the program has the latest definitions? And why do I have to initiate it myself every single day for something so important?

Exactly, it applies to both sides. Homeopathic bs is the domain of the left as well.

His answer seemed pretty shaky and stilted but I think it because he was tailoring it to that audience and trying to score Trump/anti-vax supporter points.

And I really don’t get why not. I have zero knowledge of hardware and os’s but from a weight and other dimensions standpoint, if they just hacked off the keyboard on the Air and made it a touchscreen they would be there.

That’s an a-hole thing to do.

Now that you mention it... our minivan IS japanese!

“Asked whether “male” sex robots might also appeal to consumers, Richardson and Billing said that the majority of sex workers are women — though, for the record, there is a male Real Doll.”

I bet car manufacturers are conflicted on this. Fewer accidents means fewer car replacements but fewer deaths means more car buyers.

“Don’t get eliminated!”

And the wobble?

Balderdash. You cannot improve upon Apple perfection.

Zeros sound reasonable. If you max it out, worse case range of more than a Leaf with half the charge time for $17k. All city range is more than a lot of gas bikes. Definitely not for long distances but Tesla has gone to great lengths so you can do it in their cars and they’re the only ones.

I never understood this POS. Macs defined ultra sleek portability in a laptop then... you have this goddamned hunk of shit and wires you have to ball up in your bag so you can use your computer for more than a day. And Magsafe? Fuck that shit.

Yep, nothing more enjoyable than using your laptop on any other surface than a desk and having the power constantly falling out. It’s wonderful.

That’s a bit depressing since it doesn’t have any continuing relevance.