
As per my survey of Futurama, you have failed.

My point is people put faith in the scientific method or a well run study and if a experiment is run correctly then people have faith that the results all true and valid. People will make an argument that if something isn't based on science then it's invalid but you could have an opinion based on some scientifically

As I kid I fealt nothing for the F50 so therefore it's bad a car. Now the F40...


Wait. My soulmate is in Alaska?

Science is a form of faith.

Good luck to you and I hope you keep making good decisions, seriously.

Perfect for the desert explorer. "In case of emergency, puncture for self-amputation with auto-cauterization."

Good luck McHonda.

Just trollin you. Everybody gets where they are 100% due to luck. You're either lucky you were born with genes that gave you a good work ethic or you were lucky you were raised that way or you were lucky you had the experiences necessary to shape you into the sort of person that succeeds. Or just lucky to be born

I'm actually doing quite well. Through hard work.

So therefore if your dad made millions from nothing you should become a billionaire since you are starting with millions and are not lazy. That's how it works right? Just a lack of laziness?

My dream is it to be modular down to a minimal 1 person vehicle that you could have add-on people-space or storage. Maybe it could be Gordon Murray's next project. Or you coulde just get a motorcycle then add a sidecar or two or three, a couple of trailers... or maybe two scooters that could Voltron together and a

You my friend are what they call an odd duck. You go painting all motorcyclists as reckless and yet you are a motorcyclist. You try and use a form of logic that excludes statistics. You bring your feelings into an argument based on facts. On second thought I think, in my opinion, you're a troll. Good luck to you when


Probably milking it. Or trying to.

Almost worth it.

THAT'S where they cheated.

Look at the size of it! I'm not kidding, it's like an orange on a toothpick!

Yeah I'm sure the Justy wasn't the first but Wikipedia was only going to take me so far that day.