
EXCEPT SOME ARENT BACKLIT. Yes I am yelling. And yes I should it memorized by now.

Unfortunately proves the point that UAVs need to feel the weight of FAA bureacracy just like everything else that flies. Any dumbass with a UAV is just as dangerous as a dumbass with a laser pointer.

This really makes zero sense that they achieved the lower weight simply from the use of CFRP and some metal bits. Are they only doing what F1 has been doing for as long as can be remembered? Are there banned metals in LM like in F1? Did they discover new metals? What was the old weight?

Bastards. I think it's a couch.

Not to poo-poo your party but just about everything looks more dramatic in slo-mo.

So now sales off the sedan will go down and Subaru won't have a business case anymore to engineer the 5 door.

Getting the mail is the fun part. Bringing up your new juicer probably not.

Zipper in the crotch?

Beer in mind, This is Spinal Tap.

Oh yeah, the prequels are unwatchable.

The jalop uncanny valley.

The interior of the building doesn't look real either.

Safe to assume you're not talking about the Hobbit as a movie but Harry Potter in any form gives me gas. Harry Potter is dull and uninspired to say the least.

Is this Spinal Tap?

On sunshine?

And a sofa! 36x36x80 with room to spare!

Sure can! At least the previous gen, don't know about this one.

Uh you do see the slope Raphael, right?

The troll has been angered.

Finally someone recommended a non-Chrysler. Sienna's are even better since they have an AWD option, more cargo room than the biggest SUV, prob 50% better mileage and 100% better resale value.