

Verily well.

All bow down before GT6!!!!! It's like a video from the 90s!!!!!!

You bet, but it's only $9 less (not counting shipping) than $1000 ;p

Here ya go:
Power supply?
= $991 USD

The 777s are from the Boeing test flights. Literally trying to see how far you can go.

To compare the B2's wingspan is 172'. So it's bigger than a current drone, smaller than a bomber. Got it.

I think Iranians got the sister ship.


Knack needs to be a demo. It's kind of a crap looking game BUT our 6-yr old played it at BB and thinks it's "the greatest game ever!"

This shit needs to be on the PS4. It would have been the one good launch title.

Wow, that's good to hear from the Jalop review that the audio has improved. Out of the 5 other reviews I read they all listed poor audio as a weakness. Other reviews also had the menu layout as improved and none mentioned the lack of interior in non-premium cars. Wish I could pick up my pre-order but our garagedoor

From wikipedia: As more bitcoins come into circulation, the puzzles involved in mining them become increasingly difficult, and the rewards are halved at regular intervals, until 21 million bitcoins have been created and production stops.

I bought my bug-eye online in 2000 ;) Still got it stock, w/ <90k miles, any takers?

I think it's hilarious that there's a consensus about this on here. Hilariously awesome. You can truly say the original Insight was ahead if it's time by the fact that they stopped making it and yet everyone wants it. Want.

At least it's not like MotoGP where they only weigh THE BIKE! Total BS.

So what's wrong with the BRV? Surely other forms of racing would use it if it was good enough. Or do all other forms of racing in the world require traditional valves? For CG reasons seems like it would be an easy sell.

Hi Zangief.

To sum up, a Rascal for hipsters.

All-carbon is a stretch. Aren't the outside panels Saturn-like? How about mostly-CFRP.