To them, trump's inability to learn, understand, care about others, and be responsible is a feature, not a bug.
To them, trump's inability to learn, understand, care about others, and be responsible is a feature, not a bug.
There can be only one so let's cue up the celebrity death match machine.
I wish more horror films could be written where the characters act in an intelligent, thought out way, and end up being killed despite their best efforts. Especially if the characters are scientists.
C'mon! SPOILERS! I didn't know Tom Cruise was in this film!
Let us not rest on our laurels, internet!
Depends. Would it get him a tax credit?
Now face the power of this fully operational Disqus Star!
Or in German: The Bitch The!
It's not a defect, it's a feature!
Yeah I'm big on personality. The husband of one of my ex's used to have a physical crush on Sarah Palin but I just couldn't see it due to every other form of evidence.
I would have dug the hell out of that ending. SPLOOSH!
I think you forgot that Chris is black while being in America.
I'd still begrudgingly hit that.
He fixes the cable.
I thought he would end up with his own show threatening to kill himself while critiquing society from a controlled way by big brother, feeling utterly empty and crushed inside due to his love trading a singing career for one of sexual exploitation. I suppose that was the British ending though. :(
Why d'ya think they got dropped off on a hostile Earth?