That concept makes me worried for Mick as he may pull a good Snart and self-sacrifice somehow.
That concept makes me worried for Mick as he may pull a good Snart and self-sacrifice somehow.
Nice connection. I didn't catch that joke the first time through.
Yeah. The Legends really self-fulfilling prophecy-ed Mick into "F" this, I'm going with my old partner.
Damn. I did not know that. I shall change my purchase habits as well. Thank you for the heads up.
"Let's replace healthcare with a flaming pile of crap!"
Any member of the Trump Administration.
Its also dirt cheap at Kwik Trip (as well as much of the fresh produce and meats.)
Free Pie Forever!
Two words: Time Abortion.
Barry's been missing too many Time Traveller's Anonymous meetings as of late.
You have a unique way of spelling John Mellencamp.
Yo Dawg!
Not to be confused with The Puppet Masters starring Donald Sutherland.
Man beats Wife!
Chucklefucks, the lot of them.
All it was lacking was a ninja fight on the back of a submarine which was in the original trailer.
Looks good. Also, with that moxie, Frances McDormand could play Willem Defoe's sister.
"Pennies from heaven!" *from sleeve pops out liquid shit
*looks at map. I thought this was fuck city!?