Captain President

That's a double whammy, because it's also the only color that represents their interests.

It's hard to get some adults to read nowadays, thus the 'adult books.'

I read that in Quentin Lance's voice. I'm up to my eyeball in lead here.

I thought Mayor in Starling City was for a life term.

Cuck! Libruls! All Lives Matter! *starts choking on own froth.

Now if only people would stop voting for these chucklefucks and learn to remember what they stand for so we don't circle back around to this every decade…

His loss.

What a shitshow!

My parents are dead. But to be fair, they still think it's edgy.

That's edgy…for a parent!

May I watch this movie Mr. Lynch?

"Heroism is requires sacrifice"

"Predator is Steatopegic! Lolololol! *Runs"

I liked Predator 2. It became the movie that, within the same universe, killed Bill Paxton twice.

And when does one find the time to masturbate hmmmmmmmm????

Can they all just hunt him…In real life?

Predator feat The Purge. I would watch the shit out of that if Shane Black were directing.

Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.

Easy D!