Captain Positive

I think you're just supposed to go with it.

I just want you both to know I am rooting FOR BOTH OF YOU in this revelation!



Great, now I have to see this movie!

Bingo. This guy gets it.

"You've been working out. I can tell!"

Great article! Good writing.

uh okay fine. I think it would have be more clear for me with this comma.. but whatever

It is the best Pixar movie. Period.

Bingo. this guy gets it.

interesting I don't remember the score. Excuse for a second viewing!

I watched it with my 6 year old son, just dumbfounded each minute by the cleverness, warmth, and perfect pace that was unfolding in front of our eyes.

you throw your knife, knife-style!

nah it will be Baris Offee, which will be PERFECT.

Ah got it. Thanks, Sexy Duck Cop!

Completely agree. This movie is a masterpiece.

which one?

my favorite line from Deadwood —

well that and Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg.