
No one said she wasn’t a person. Her father is allowed to help her in her time of need. Was he supposed to stand back and watch her kill herself, her children, and other people (with that insane driving of hers) just to prove something about feminism.

Hollywood parents? We don’t ever hear about her parents in any capacity. These people cannot be put in the same category as Ariel Winter’s mother or Lindsey Lohan’s parents. They’re living private lives. Jamie Spears doesn’t even get that much. He gets a little over $250,000 which any normal person with a white collar

But there is NOTHING that indicates that her father is taking advantage of the situation. Not even a hint. Britney seems happy and stable. Her dad gets a salary for managing her finances, I don’t see why that makes him such a bad person. He’s set aside money for Britney and her boys in trust funds, instead of buying

And furthermore a Vegas residency is good for someone like her. It's stable and routine, and knocks out the travel required by tours so she can have a real home life.

The fact is, you can say she seems to be functioning well now, but since she’s still under his control, you could just as easily say she’s doing well BECAUSE of him, not in spite of him. We don’t really know what’s happening there.

Managing Britney’s finances is nost likely a pretty demanding full time job. He gets a salary, like anyone else would. I don’t see how that’s “slimy”

Obviously I’m not part of her medical or legal team but she’s probably doing “well” because she has that structured support and control that the conservatorship provides. We don’t actually know the exact details of everything that is wrong with her.

Yup. These people are idiots. They’re overlooking the good just because her father decided to step in and rein her in before she killed her children, herself, or hurt someone else with her actions while driving around like a loon.

It is. These people are idiots.

Riiiiiight?!?!? I just looooove all the medical professionals (who apparently treat her too) on this thread who have determined that she’s just fine and her father is greedy and should die. There’s absolutely no possibility that she’s happy with her current situation and it could in no way take the pressure of her

odd as it may seem, it appears to be working for her..


He seems to be a good conservator, from what I’ve seen, and is likely the only reason that this poor woman is sane and able to raise her children. I don’t get why people like shitting on something that is so stabilizing for her. You people would rather have her off her meds and going crazy because of

A lot of women are self-serving and play to the patriarchy, so I don’t think that would actually help.


That bitch is an Argentine. Those people love to come through Mexico to get to the US.

What “r” word? Rag head?

this is a case of two fucked up people who fucked for awhile then did drugs and got drunk and got in fights and it’s only a news story because one of them is friends with a bunch of women at a blog so they wrote about their poor victimized friend. I still think he’s a smug idiotic asshole but they are shady as hell