No seems to care that the Russian ambulance is an old VW van from the 70's.
No seems to care that the Russian ambulance is an old VW van from the 70's.
Still better than a Flex.
Somehow I have never seen this. Thanks for the tip! Also, JESUS CHRIST!
I really hope the “Turbo Power” engine cover is stock because that is definitely the most 90's GM thing ever. It’s like something you would find on a power wheels car.
Yea its almost as bad as fully grown adults wearing super hero t-shirts.
Finally some real honest news around here.
Gears of War 4 is a 100gb download. Of course he had to steal those hard drives!
Honestly $950 a day probably isn’t enough. Google what people do to rental cars. Anyone can scrap some funds together and just beat the piss out of this car, have sex in the back or have incurable BO a la Seinfeld. The owners of the cars of Turo must have balls of steel to let just anyone rent their car.
You think Public Schools are bad now? Wait till you see Kasich in action. He has done nothing but fight against Ohio School teachers and claim they lazy complainers. O and he also wants to be King of America.
Isolated in a room all by himself with a Playstation and meals brought to him. This guy is living my damn dream and bitching about it.
$47,795 in 1994 dollars is equal to $84,000 today? Holy inflation Batman!
When people are taking 7-8 year loans on cars then yea there is probably a problem. Though the consumer is not innocent in this either.
There should a million of these things on the road. Cheap,basic transportation for everyone. But as Jason said, it’s all about appearances with people. Everyone needs an F-5000 because its big and makes you feel big because we are all so insecure.
What a convoluted mess. I can’t wait to see the repair prices on these.
Name calling isn’t necessary. Do you think guns will just disappear? I promise you the government, ultra wealthy, police and criminals will still have them. Heroin is illegal and yet our nation has an epidemic of people using it. Making something illegal doesn’t make it disappear.
It is the price of freedom though. Life is not Disneyland, everything cannot be made completely hyper safe so that no one could ever get hurt ever. If it’s not guns used, people will use other methods such as driving into crowds. We can’t just ban everything.
Every public figure/celebrity does this, he is not unique.
Wayne LaPierre is literally fighting for your right to shoot him in his “motherfucking face.”
So who were Jeeps for? “Idiots.”
50k for a Traverse? Fuck that.