Captain Midnight

They trying to win the Ghetto Lottery™ after they saw this:

They trying to win the Ghetto Lottery™ after they saw this:

They trying to win the Ghetto Lottery™ after they saw this:

How to win the Ghetto Lottery:

1. Be Black

2. Resist or refuse a lawful command from a police officer

3. ????

4. Profit

How to win the Ghetto Lottery:

1. Be Black

2. Resist or refuse a lawful command from a police officer

3. ????

4. Profit

They are trying to steal his company.

They are trying to steal his company.

I was on that conference call.

I was on that conference call.

I was on that conference call.

I was on that conference call.

Value direct” means the dealer knows the can unload it at the auto auction for close to the same price minus fees and have no headaches over any problems.

I looked away when they took chicken and watermelon.

I looked away when they took chicken and watermelon.

I looked away when they took chicken and watermelon.

I looked away when they took chicken and watermelon.

Come at me, bro!

Troll 101: Leave speeling and grammatical error for the Grammer Nazis. Surefire way to get outta the greys.

Your a tard. That nevered aired on TV. That was sent out fo businesses for promotion to get tenets.

Your a tard. That nevered aired on TV. That was sent out fo businesses for promotion to get tenets.