
1: 1930s

Having been in the car business, it is clear Bo Hong is curb-stoning and running off Paragon dealer license and is paying him. He should call Paragon and tell them it is in their best interest to contact Hong and try to find a solution all can agree on. Otherwise a call to local DMV about the dealer will get a fast

Why don’t they just Velcro an orange strip on the front of their jersey that says ELIGIBLE or RECEIVER.

RE: Lucas SW:7. It was going to be bad, with bad dialogue but at least it would have been original and not a PC remake like we got from JJ.

Except it doesn’t. He specifically says he has to watch his words because people take him literally. If he could just think what he wanted and they would do it, he would not have to do that. Try again, tard.

Goofball? I think you mispelled Genius.

No, but telling someone to kill themselves in a language they do not understand, has no effect.

I feel enough evidence has been presented there is something there that a small dime size hole for a pinhole camera should be drilled in one of the non painted corners of the wall. If it turns out empty, it can be repaired with no damage.

Seems likely that it is another camber, but it may wind up a PR stunt and we are left with another Al Capone’s vault scenario.

Me too. I am not a big Marvel or comic book fan, but I enjoyed it the most of all Marvel TV shows. Felt JJ was to anti man and the villain while creepy could have easily been defeated by earplugs, a sniper rifle of sending someone after him that didn’t speak English. I binge watched DD, so didn’t really get a sense of

No. That is a picture of the writers room.

I was thinking more about the high school and little league players than the pro teams.

And it will fail like all screeen based VR.

Wouldn’t that be the best, easy and most fininacally acceptable solution. This way hardly any new gear is needed.

Just FYI: I go out at night and smash the cable junction boxes in rich neighborhoods when my cable company pisses me off.

Just FYI: I go out at night and smash the cable junction boxes in rich neighborhoods when my cable company pisses me

Screen based VR will never go mainstream. Eye fatigue and the need for expensive PC to push 2160p. Only Virtual Retina Displays that beam the image directly into your eye at 1080p with no eye fatigue can make it happen.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Half-Life 3 confirmed!

Or you can buy the Chinese knockoff for $20K.

These cars belong to Gerry Seinfield not Jerry Seinfeld! No wonder they brought less money.