Captain Midnight

I agree, but from the ref’s perspective yards away and seeing the helmet turn, I do understand the quick flag.

It’s a shame. I really thought these people that have sex on camera for money were well-adjusted and psychologically healthy.

Are there any Arch Dukes in the neighborhood?

Let’s institute ban on all cars. After all it’s a deadly weapon in the hand of morons, thousands die needlessly each year. Let's regulate. Liberal logic here.

Even Jerry Sandusky thought Michigan State raped Penn State too hard.

In Russia, Fucks give you!

I think i might actually like the old front better. The new one looks like they put soft looking headlights where they should have had hard angles. (*like they threw on some chrysler 200 lights) Also really done like the lower grill openings on the side.

They should never have gotten rid of Tebow.

It is worth all the bother. Holm destroyed Ronda the only way that she could: through pure technique. 6 years is a long time in the fighting world, and Holm used all her boxing skills to completely neutralize the only advantages that Ronda had. All the hype got to Ronda, and a savvy veteran took her down.

Most likely will not change the fact that they will let them in, my guess is that it will prolong the process. I have no problem with that. US is doing it right, they are taking their time to vet and screen all refugees. Better than what European countries are doing, just opening up the border for everyone and anyone


Leaving the Dreamcast off that list? It was literally the first console to have online play, for games (a bit clunky because it relied on dial up, but those were just the times) that was a huge gamechanger. You didnt need your buddy to come over to play together. I mean fuck, it gave us Fantasy Star Online. No one had

Sometimes in life there are sure bets. This be one of those times.

Tyler, thank you for your sensible, not sensationalist, reporting!

Jesus fucking christ this was terrible.

I don’t see what the problem here is. Only real gentleman use 2 fingers.

Most amazing is someone still doesn’t know how to hold a phone properly. Unless they’re 6 years old.

What kind of parents would let their teen daughter anywhere near Tyler Seguin?

This feels relevant.