Captain Midnight

I’ve sold hundreds of cars back in the day. Kept it real simple. I was honest in my description and would answer all emails with come inspect it yourself or I will drive with you it to the repair shop that you pay to inspect it, if it was within 20 miles. Everything else I didn’t reply to or told them this wasn’t the

It was very good, and while the role may not be Oscar worthy, he should get if for them times he should have but didn’t. Could have done without the his wife’s spirit guide BS, bear attack could have been shorter and his recovery a little quick with a simple 2 months later title card, but still pretty dam good. Best


The octopus things Han was smuggling scared the little kids around me. Hope it gives them nightmares because the little fuckers would not stop talking.

That would get you a bullet to the head in Florida.

He did it on purpose to get those youtube hits.

Congrats. This is actually the first clever and funny comment I have ever seen on Jezzy.

Jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams.


The 1998 model was the best looking one they made. Nice clean lines. Better luck next gen. The new Volvo and Santa Fe should kill it in sales.

Thank god I don’t know who any of these losers are, except for Huge Jackman.

Glad to see I am not the only one who thought that mothership was absurdly to big. Hell, they could put a cow catcher on the front and cut the Earth in half if they built up enough speed. Still, I enjoyed the first one as a popcorn flick, and this one looks to bring the same mindless fun. So I am in for the sequel.

I just hope our enemies don’t get their hands on our advanced anti laser technology.

I feel the same way. I remember the turbocharged 4cyl TunderChicken a friend had. Gone once it hit 6oK. Maybe next year if they have a V6 engine option I would consider it.

This definitely needs a V6 engine option. They are abusing that little 4cyl.

These are the kind of graphics and frame rates the PS4 and XB1 should have delivered instead of the 3 year old max PC settings they can barely hit. Worst next gen ever!

Why didn’t you use one of the diamond incrusted dremel bit for drilling through granite. 10,000 RPM and a few squirts of oil and you would have been through in no time.

I buy all EA and multiplayer games used. So they do not get any additional profit.

This cloud computing thing better pan out. I am ready for my fully dynamic 100% destructible BF5 maps. No more hiding behind indestructible A/C units you plebs!