You are not serious are you? Russia gets Assad to close sovereign Syria airspace to all aircraft except Russian and Syrian military. Any plane flying in that airspace uninvited is doing that exact same thing the Russian jet did to Turkey.
You are not serious are you? Russia gets Assad to close sovereign Syria airspace to all aircraft except Russian and Syrian military. Any plane flying in that airspace uninvited is doing that exact same thing the Russian jet did to Turkey.
That was his plan from the begining. To point out Syria’s airspace is being violate hundreds of time daily. He will set up a no fly zone over Syria for his pilots safety and put the ball back in US hands to violate airspace.
Does the same apply to all the US, Turkish, Israeli, French and Saudi Arabian jets that violate Syrian airspace daily?
Except this all part of Putin’s plan. Tomorrow he will declare all Syrian airspace closed to everyone except Russian and Syrian aircraft for his pilots safety. Then the ball will be back in the US or France court to break the peace and start the proxy war he wants. He can not have low oil prices and sanctions stay in…
All part of Putin’s plan. Tommorow he will declare all Syrian airspace closed to everyone except Russian and Syrian aircraft for his pilots safety. Then the ball will be back in the US or France court to break the peace and start the proxy war he wants.
Yeah all those agreement are bullshit when the lead starts flying. We had a sworn pledge to defend Ukraine against Russian invasion and ask them how that turned out.
Totally called it bitches. Russia wanted this from the start. Oil is the only thing they have and Putin can not let low oil prices and US sanctions against it business stand. Proxy war incoming in 3..2... Also, Russian fighter jets are shit.
Yeah, I don’t see how you can hate her character or her performance. Sure it wasn’t Paper Moon quality kid acting, but it was decent.
They have found crickets as well. It seems wildlife is starting to come back.
Don’t bother. People here do not want to here the truth. Even when facts are indisputable. The news stations over her never mention race even when they give the description of a suspect on the loose. Something you think would be an important fact for the public. Also, look at Gawker data they produced to show the…
Jesus Christ. What has happened to football? It has been ruimed by a weak commissioner and lawyers. For the games sakes someone needs to take control. Streamline the rules, redesign the safety equipment so we can go back to hitting, and give the owners and commissioner back the power. I remember when you could not…
That show was so bad everyone invloved should be fired.
How is this guy YOURSELF? He is killing it in my multiplayer matches.
At lease she will have the VD to keep her warm.
Why does Tommy believe Erica at all, when he’s been told by everyone else in his life that’s going to stop the upcoming apocalypse? Why does he decide to continue helping her after Erica admits she was trying to hook him up to her machine to steal his powers? How is that not a deal breaker?
I would be shaking if this was 1995. Everything in that building already looks obsolete. Suck it Putin.
There is no universe in which this movies flops. Even if the story is complete dog shit this will be the first movie to break 1 Billion domestic and 3 billion international.
Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.