Captain Midnight

I wonder if anyone has ever calculate the dollar amount of all those planes when new. The dollar amount would have to be staggering.

I have no problem dropping bombs on these savage ISIS terrorist from the air, with little risk to American lives. The only problem I have is the financial cost. Iraq should be giving us 10 million a day in free oil to make up for it.

Couple of problems with the game.

This is why NCAA football is so much better than NFL. Unranked teams knocking off Top Tens.

FSU is a trash team in a trash division.

The left stick button on my Xbox One keeps breaking. Piece of crap.

I keep replying, but an usually greyed out. The safety equipment needs a total overhaul as well as the rules for tackling. Shoulder pads should be made smaller so players don’t launch themselves into their opponents helmets and better Kevlar body protection is needed.

Right, because a woman in power could never do something illegal, wrong or just plain make a mistake. Fuck You.

U be clownin’ fool! The DBS is the most beatifuless.

That, or have someone spill their drink.

Silly reaction to Iran now controlling southern Yemen and being able to choke oil shipping lanes. These ships would be sitting ducks for Russian and Chinese supersonic anti-ship missles.

What if I put up a sign that read “Trespassers shot on sight” and included a pic of kid with a bullet going through his head, for the kids that could not read?

I am guaranteeing a US drone goes down over Syria. Not shot down, but mysteriously loses contact and drops down, never to be seen again. The tech on even the old Reaper is way more advanced the Russia’s best drones.

Another solution is you can’t perm die until you reach a certain level of competency.

The could make it so killing them gives you very little benefit, but if you keep them alive you can get upgraded guns and better stuff until you finally release them. They can’t make them prisoner to long. Something like you go do this task of retrieving a new gun that is protected and then you are free. The arrested

It is a cool concept that others have tried, but it is a little to extreme. First death should be 1 weeks ban, Second death 2 weeks. Third death 3 weeks ban, etc. By your fourth death you would be pretty cautious as it now everything is a month or more ban. By your tenth death you would have been kicked out for over a

I’m over in Oviedo and I know which plaza you are talking about. I will be calling in a bomb threat at 6:59pm.

I don’t no why more places don’t have mandatory 10% tip. Then have a note on the table that if you enjoyed your service please leave 10% tip.

Leo should finally get his Oscar. He is not the greatest actor in the world, but far worse have won it with far less roles. I;ll admit it looks better than I thought it was going to be, just thought it was going to be another survivalist story, but the revenge angle makes it better.

These should be relatively easy to pick off. I know the US does not supply Stingers to FSA, but they had to have gotten hundreds of IGLAs from all the looted Syrain militay bases by now.