Captain Midnight

Well, I will admit it did a better job cleaning up the confusing mess it created then I thought it would. There were still a few WTF moments. Biggest being, Carlos and Brad standing by each other at the end like they were besties. WTF! This guy just waltz in your police station and shot about 20 cops. Granted most

Right click....and saved.

That is the literal definition of reverse sexism.

Well at least this scene should finally put to rest the rumors of her refusing to do nudity. If she comes out of the burning hut without her cloths on we know they were false.

Baseball games are so boring, it is a good place to put your child to sleep.

Your definition of “super funny” and mine, varies greatly.

Yeah, pretty sure I would have figured out it was elctro-magnetic and simply walked it of the metal like the last guy. At the very least I would have laid down and snapped the handle off by kicking it.

Yeah, it is like people forgot when she was breifly part of Fish’s gang and help fight the cops and Penguin. Now she is a part of Penguin’s gang. She should have been in jail many times. Alfred should have killed her instead of just bitch slapping her.

It is basically BF$ with a Star WArs skin. I liked it, but it felt a little rough even for a beta. Imperials to powerful, unbalanced weapons, spawn traps, clunky vehicle controls. Is it that hard to but a shield around random spawn points or make you invincible for a few seconds to get out of the spawn. Also, I want

Why don’t they just have 2 clocks and split the difference at the 2 minute warning to either add or subtract time.

Looking at his pic, he does have the crazy eyes, but damn.

Unfortunately, Einstein and you are wrong, as the univese itself is in motion FTL.

Alright, it was better than expected. Even would go as far as pretty damn entertaining, but best picture is a huge stretch. I would go with The Martain as of now.

Alfred’s Pimp Hand is strong. He hit her so hard, maybe it will push her eyes closer together. I love the outrage it is causing. The kid is a lying, theiving murderer and the pearl clutchers are losing their minds that she was bitch slapped.

After seeing this and the new Chinese Maxima, I think who ever is calling the shots at Nissan has lost their damn mind.

Season 2 is much improved, but then in episode 3 they do something stupid again that knocks it back down a little. Still it is much more watchable than the uneven first season and The Commish always makes thing better with his mere presence.

I like her because I like insult comedy, which is the easiest form of comedy to do.

Yep, character deaths that are quickly resurrected in scifi, have become pretty much meaningless cliches and an example of terrible writing.

I feel like this kind of story his been done a million times already. Rather see something different.