If Russia brought in more SU-30s it would be a problem, but with only 5 in Syria, Israeli could do it with our old 4th gen fighters they alreay have.
If Russia brought in more SU-30s it would be a problem, but with only 5 in Syria, Israeli could do it with our old 4th gen fighters they alreay have.
There is not going to be a world war. It will be another proxy war. The US and Russia have fought many proxy wars since both of then have had nukes. This is just one more. It is a great way to test your weapons and f’up someone else’s land, instead of your own.
Putin is just itching for some kind of incident. Anything to get oil prices back up. No one has taken the bait yet. Predict they shoot down a US drone soon or get the trigger happy Israelis to bite.
Don’t know why anyone do any internet gambling as it is most often rigged. The only safe internet gaming is betting horses and the outcome of team sports matches.
God damn, what a self absorbed shit generation.
ND are Clemson are both overratted teams that are terrible, that are lucky to play in a division where no one is good. Same with FSU and the ACC. The SEC is the only real division that has the best teams. Strength of schedule should be counted even more than it is. Otherwise you get teams that should not even be in a…
It is a terrible situation, but a gun is just another tool for killers to act out. They all would of found another way. He could of waited until a school let out for the day and drove his car into the crowd and killed a lot more than 10 people. He could of used a knife as a guy in China did when he killed 16 kids. He…
Time to shoot some Russian rust buckets out of the sky.
How do you like them apples?
You know, some of the media is among the worst people I’ve ever met. I mean, a really good percentage is really a terrible group of people.
I still think it was a good idea. There is a hardly any chance a F-22 will every see air to air combat with anything. Better to spend that money on future unmanned fighters and drones that can outperform it.
I have watched football a long time and never hve a seen so many injuries than in the last few years. The saftey equipment needs a full redesign. Better head and neck protection and reduced shoulder pads so players can not load up on a hit.
First of all, baseball is boring enough without adding a 17 second stare down.
Football is turing in a pussy sport ruled by lawyers. What they call targeting nowdays used to be called a awesome hit in my days. How about addressing the real problem and redesigning the saftey gear, like Nascar did when those drivesr where breaking their necks. Also, the league, the owners and the coaches need to…
Time to shoot some Russian rust buckets out of the sky.
Yeah, that’s the problem with Cadilliac sales. They are to cheap.
Why? China has a better miltary than Russia.
Time to shoot some old Russian rust buckets out of the sky.