The Rock rules. Piven is a douche.
Ricky, a public figure, to jump in after it while screaming, “Baby, that’s a $400,000 ring!”
One time, in band camp, I pooped on some vomit while eating lunch.
They should make it extremely hard to bring down large buildings like IRL, but a 100% destructable and dynamic envoriment is epic next gen gaming. Bringing down a large building should require most of your team and large number of explosives. Finally, RPGs actually killing people behind walls.
Is it 100% dynamic? Meaning the buildings fall a different way everytime. Or is all the destruction pre-programed like in BF4 with Levelution.
Chris Farley reminds me of a male Melissia McCarthy.
It is like winning the Ghetto Lottery™
All that surgey the family has had and Kendell is still the only pretty one. Can’t wait for the sextape.
Best Car Company Story?
Or, she had consensual kinky sex with Kane with the purpose of getting a big civil settelement.
White Boys rule!
No they couldn’t. It is the same reason you can’t cast Hitler to play Hitler.
Yeah, but 100% of them failed to comply.
Yes. When you do not compy to arrest.
It is like winning the Ghetto Lottery™
It’s like winning the Ghetto Lottery™
Good riddance D-bag.