Captain Midnight

You do know Iran supplies the Houthi rebels, right? And while they sent troops to fight ISIS in Syria for Bashar and Russia, they would not care if ISIS destabilizes Saudi Arabia causing trouble for the USA, Israel and getting higher oil prices in return.

I don’t know if anyone realizes this, but Saudi Arabia will be under civil war soon. ISIS from the north and Iranian backed Houthi rebels from Yemen in the South. Be prepared for high oil prices as ISIS, Iran, Russia and the USA look for their next proxy war. USA has lost Iraq, Russia has lost Syria. The Saudi ground

I seriously read that as:

Called it. The Great Videogame Crash of 2015. Underpowered consoles selling the same shit games. Bring on the Avegant Jellyfish for true next gen gaming.

That clutched rear propeller needs some kind of shroud.

but bacon touches pork.

Goodbye you old crotchety sexual harasser. You can now sit there in your rocking chair mumbling “Leno” under your breath, as Tapioca pudding dribbles down your chin.

Balls of steel. Those look like they actually go down like a slide. One little push or slip and it would be WHEEEE! until he hit the ocean and got run over.

The 18 year old last year I can see, but maybe I am missing something here. Yes, Becky is attractive for a women her age, but trophy material? Not so much. Monica Bellucci, Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara are trophy wife material.

I side with the customer in all these stories, because even thought the customers can be assholes and the ones to blame in some stories, there is no doubt in my mind that at one time in another situation, that the dealership or repair place didn’t screw over an undeserving customer.

Hey, that is fine if you don’t want to watch the show anymore because a fairly tame rape scene was the final straw, but what took you so long would be my response. In your mind is rape somehow a more heinous act then the beheading in episode one. Or the flaying, quartering and general torture of others. Why did you

You really can’t be that retard, right. You’re just trollin now. There does not have to be a law for common sense. Think of this way. The US government owns the IP rights to the Statue of Liberty. They can make statues and pictures and sell them for profit. That does not mean I can not snap a pic or video of it for my

Thanks. I will tell my mommy you said so.

You are a tard. You can sue for anything, but any judge in the country would dismiss the suit.

Give me your address and I ‘ll send some friends to get you.

David Bush - Royal Oak MI.

Not when filmed in public. On a private closed set where there are expectations of privacy, than yes, but this is out in public in full view. It is the same reason paparazzi can take pics a Affleck in his Batman suit when he is out in public and sell them.

Jesus, what I wouldn’t do to drop all you candy asses, that can’t handle an imaginary TV show, over in Syria for just a fucking day.

And it has the highest number of viewers for a cable show. That should tell you something.

She’s got some damn nice legs, but I don’t know if I would go so far to actually call her hot.