
What’s even cooler is that it had an engine so flexible, people are still using it to run their own multi-player worlds even today. Far less than there used to be, but still, for a 14 year old game, that’s pretty damn impressive.

Omnic crisis mode definitely needs to be a thing.

It was pretty cool. Unfortunately they cut it short, and the story suffered a bit. The manga is still ongoing, and has a lot more depth.

The fact that it’ll be free to those of us who bought all the dlc is pretty awesome.

Unfortunately*, autonomous is the future, and it’ll be ubiquitous sooner or later. On the whole it’ll be a good thing - too many people are terrible drivers, even before you add in drunk driving, texting, etc. *The downside is that driving manually for enthusiasts will become a much rarer, and more expensive, hobby,

Just imagine if we tried to judge American attitudes based on 4chan quotes... *shudders*

Well, if it had been a PT cruiser that was broken into...

Interestingly, that was the intent of the precursor of Monopoly, whose name now escapes me. The woman who designed that game made it as a critique of rentiers.

“How are you holding up? BECAUSE I’M A POTATO.” /GLaDOS

I would agree, though I can also see how doing the eyes might strip a lot of the characterization from his facial expressions unless done just right.

It’s not so much that it’s alt-history as the game can take unsuspecting turns (which makes it a lot more replayable). You’re not stuck to the historical decisions, even if you can make them if you like.

Good. I lived Hoi and Hoi2, but 3 was just a mess that I could never really get into. (And I’m a paradox fan that had played all the EU games, both CKS and both Vicky’s, etc) Really want 4 to be more playable than 3 was.

Maybe I’m mixing book and show and getting confused, but I thought lord commander Mormont was Jorah’s father, and that the girl is his daughter - or is she his niece?

Lady Mormont is Jorah’s ex (if I’m not mistaken), and that’s his daughter. That is, the wife with such expensive tastes that he sold criminals into slavery to pay for her lifestyle, and got himself banished. (I could be wrong though)

Yeah, I thought Septon McShane made a good contrast to that power hungry jerk of a High Sparrow.

Probably not. I still won’t like her Ayn Rand objectivism fetish, but I certainly won’t let that make me think she wasn’t a victim here - but there are probably a lot of people who are just looking for any excuse not to believe her, sadly.

Yes, because as history of the wild west shows, everyone being armed meant they were all perfectly polite and no one ever got shot, not like those dangerous civilized areas that disdained the notion of everyone walking arounds armed to the teeth. (/sarc)

Exactly - she’s had her culture’s insistence that she’s not pretty drilled into her again and again, and she had no frame of reference to even begin to understand someone like Tormund, for whom all those things she’s been mocked and derided over, are instead the opposite - things he thinks make her completely

The problem with nwn2 was that it took to long to be good at what made nwn 1 good - modding and running your own games. People who were running nwn1 took a look and said ‘eh’ which is never the response you want. The Mmo is just an Mmo, though I tend to think of it more as a cash shop with an Mmo attached.

Oh definitely. Daytime is far different than afternoon to night.