
This is why everyone else thinks the Cowboys have become a joke, no other team has their owner as the mouthpiece for team issues, it’s always the coach. Heck, most people have trouble telling you the Cowboys’ coach’s name because it’s alway Jerrah Jones answering all of the questions, because he needs the spotlight!

You know what’s a GREAT song that you never hear? Marvin Gaye’s “Purple Snowflakes”! This station on my Verizon FIOS cable used to play it constantly, now it’s not!

it’s good to see girls trying to compete with men.

...only if ytou were jerking off at the time.

??? What does that have to do with him not being a diva?

Dude is the farthest thing from cool, more like whiney bitch who demands everything be his way or else.

Yes, either way “points allowed” only matters based on the level of competition and nothing else.

Really? Did you forget the whole “Beer Summit” and “If I had a son”...two situations where he overreacted without all of the information ONLY because of race??


...then that would also mean all of the playoff chokes ultimately WERE his fault, and not “the team’s”


...because that is weighted against them playing dominant offenses, which they haven’t. So, to shutdown crappy QBs isn’t anything to celebrate so far.

MA has alot of the best public and college schools in the country.

Didn’t even realize he was a CB...why hasn’t he replaced Logan Ryan who has been getting burned??

Well, to be honest it wasn’t like his guy ran the wrong route or was covered, Brady literally threw it to him with a defended both in front AND behind him. Honestly don’t know what he was thinking there, no reason to force it when they’re up a few scores.

(sigh...) Cassel the very next season went to the 7-9 Chiefs and took them to the playoffs with BETTER stats and LESS sacks. His injury is the only reason he’s had issues thereafter.

...Brady year in year out performed at a high level, took less money to get more talent and always put the team before him.

Right, because those electronics are appreciating in value!

HAHAHAHA!!!! That’s adorable, you make more hourly, have lower interest rates and lower school loan rates in the past 2 decades...and now want FREE shit??!

Oh come the fuck on, you probably typed this from your iPhone that was built by a 9 year-old making $1.45/hr..