My wife thus learned Polish so she could watch the videotape of Star Wars her uncle had made from a broadcast that he picked up on a satellite dish made from a discarded colander.
My wife thus learned Polish so she could watch the videotape of Star Wars her uncle had made from a broadcast that he picked up on a satellite dish made from a discarded colander.
Headline: Pony shows more respect for the queen than Trump.
6 hours later...
Headline: Trump in twitter feud with pony, says he has the largest dumps.
3 hours later...
Headline: Trump angered, claims trending #Ponydumpforpresident is fake news, blames Hillary.
She’s a massive horse fan and is around them a lot so this is probably nothing to her. I’d imagine, while we’re on the subject, she’s more familiar with horse poo than her own babies’ (when they were babies) poo.
Pence got a tough seeding against SHS but deserves to win the whole thing because he is the Devil.
Guys, stop responding to Black Conservative. If he posts and he’s out of the greys, walk away. If he responds to you, flag, dismiss and contact the Help Desk or the author of the posts. Don’t respond, don’t take fucking screenshots of the comment and respond, stop giving the trolls the attention.
I’m a woman. I don’t claim to speak for all women but for me, context matters a lot. In the context of your article I didn’t find “punk ass bitch” to be offensive. Part of the appeal of a slightly gendered attack on 45 is the absolute certainty that his insecure ass can’t handle it. Remember how he was the one to…
The MAGA grey-trolls are SO mad. lol
What’s understated in the article is how he always talks tough on these here Internets, falls way back when he is in the person’s presence, then ramps up the tough talk after he’s out of their face again. Classic cowardly bullshit.
Trump tried calling out @KingJames one time. But when LeBron called this chickenshit a “bum” Trump rolled over like all bigmouths do when they don’t have enough to fight their fights.
As Michael Harriet has explained before; racism isn't some ad lib you can just switch words out for and say "Look! That's bad, too!"
‘Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday described the child detention facilities housing immigrant youth as “essentially summer camps.”’
Where is the moral outrage when black families are separated when parents go to prison? What is the difference?
You didn’t even read what I said, did you? Trump turned LEGAL ASYLUM SEEKERS into criminals. He closed all the entry points and FORCED them to cross the border illegally.
Fuck you and your whataboutism, troll. When someone commits a CRIME, they go to prison. When Trump separated families at the border he separated LEGAL ASYLUM SEEKERS, per INTERNATIONAL LAW. It was TRUMP that turned them into criminals.
Since you have already been pulled out of the grays:
I was taught this and it has been proven to be true over and over. If I see you as less than human, then I can do to you what I want. These children shouldn’t have been taken away from their families and then to say have the ACLU find them? This is beyond anything I could have ever thought of.
This is shocking. Trump not taking responsibility?!