
To be fair it does cost $60 to buy a new game, so if you watch a 1 hr video of someone playing a game and do not particularly like what you saw, I would say that is a pretty good reason to pass on buying it. Also, the biggest problem with video game reviews is that writers still treat them like product reviews and not

Yeah, obviously it's not something that actually bothers me. It's just one of those silly thoughts you have when you think about a Sci-Fi / fantasy universe for too long. Like wondering what people in the Pokemon universe eat. Are they all vegetarians, and if so, are normal plants cultivated or are grass Pokemon

This is one of those movies where the only reason it's not more popular is simply because there wasn't any marketing behind it. Incredibly enjoyable and fun, I would recommend to anybody.

I enjoyed this movie by pretending Delpy's character was Celine from the Before films and seeing it as a documentation about one of her relationships between Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.

I would suggest watching the film, the situation ends up being a little more complicated than the review suggests.

Thanks everyone for responding. It's not making me lose sleep or stop eating or anything like that, but it is a very intense attraction. The bigger problem is that I haven't really connected with someone else beyond a surface level like this in about a year and half, so I'm also feeling a little desperate at the

Hey I don't know if anyone is going to see this, but I think I actually have predicament that I could use some advice for. I just graduated from college back in America, and I am currently doing an internship in Germany to get an idea of what type of work I want to do. I met another intern during my first few weeks

I don't know, I still kind of wish they hadn't said anything at all. In a weird way I kind of would have preferred if they had been serious about this whole thing, even if they were pretending. Openly acknowledging something your working on is outright shit just strikes me as lazy.

This is totally unrelated, I'm posting two years later to see if anyone will respond. I just I had a really weird thought about the shape-shifters. We have seen the shifters become emotionally attached to people around them. One even had a family and one made a joke about women being attracted to his current form. Can

Also, isn't watching the movie kind of pointless? Once you have heard the title haven't you basically imagined the entire film?

Exactly, I would probably be less critical of this whole thing if I found out that this was some weird, failed passion project for the director who desperately wanted to make a cautionary tale about the dangers of sharks and tornadoes. As it is, the whole thing just kind of reeks of the same commercialism that some

Does it bother anyone else that the creators just basically admitted to making a shitty movie on the sole basis of watching Netflix trends?

Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight is the only correct answer to the question: "What is the best movie trilogy?"