
Maybe when no more paper books will be sold they will convert the last big libraries into museums?

what's going to happen to all those books?

I read on macbidouille that the problem is real and all different from this explanation.

UhUh, some heads are gonna roll.

@zophiel: Not at all. I just fear of getting arrested for something I didn't do. And I never heard of something like that in my country, no, seriously. Every few days I read similar things like this about the US though.

I guess some people have to much money.

Really, when I hear stuff like that, I hate America a little bit more every time. WTF? Police in the US behave like fucking Nazis. I will definitely never go to the US, for reasons like these. Even though I'd love to see the landscapes, the cities, meet the people etc.

You know what? Grab the bottle with one hand, grab the foil with the other. Turn and pull… tadaaa foil removed.