Captain Central America

Actually, my girlfriend and I discovered this while watching My 600 lbs. Life (don't judge us!). Everyone on that show seems to put Sweet Baby Ray's on their food which tells me that someone might want to tell the company about this so that they can request the show blur their logo on all those episodes. There's like

No, I'm talking about his current paycheck. It'll be a slasher film called Val Killmer where rich tech geeks buy Val Kilmer's old Hollywood home with money made off their start-up company. Ah man, I guess he has cancer so this is in bad taste. I guess I'll have to ask Crackle to fund my 50 Cent horror film instead.

Honestly, I've always wanted to make films. I've even got some really terrible credits on IMDB. That doesn't mean they were terrible ideas or scripts. They were just sold to terrible production companies. Crackle, give me a B-rate celebrity, a budget of Val Kilmer's paycheck and enough to pay the Asylum special

I think it all has to do with a simple equation involving the time in which something aired and the viewing habits of poor Middle Americans with not much else to do. I mean, it's either stay at home and watch Big Bang Theory with a bucket of KFC and a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's or take a cooler and some lawn chairs

What was Rules of Engagement?

Who let Dinesh D'Souza in here?

Sounds haunted. I don't trust it.

That's my favorite story of all-time.

Yeah, not many people remember the Blade Runners. Everyone faired better from that split.

Sounds like Breitbart found their official goth rock band.

Classic matches with Ric Flair though.

It could have been a personal reference. Who didn't dabble in lite domestic terrorism nearing the end of a fifth in their early twenties? I once playfully mused about burning a city to the ground before falling into a trash can. Needless to say, I certainly never destroyed anything that night except a little dignity

What was the last Ryan Reynolds film that didn't underperform?

If this Joker is DCU canon then I'm going to become tired of it rather quickl

Marilyn Manson finally joined Triple Six Mafia. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Ant-Man actually is starting to look like it'll be a cool diversion from the normal superhero stuff. I'm going to give it a shot.

I'll wait to fully review the trailer. This looks better than I was expecting, but then again, my mind had this thing looking like Tank Girl based off of all the press junkets and leaked photos. My expectations were really low.

A shank to the kidney inside of a refugee camp would be better than Pitbull.

I understand. I just don't know how much acting could remove the unnecessary cool from this thing. That being said, I'd be more than willing to eat crow.

I'm tolerant of a lot of things. I liked Dark Knight Rises and I'm excited for Batman vs. Superman, but this thing looks like an abomination. Why is this Joker so interested in branding?