captain bubb

Though this episode was more kids-focused, I loved how Bob and Linda were such endearingly embarrassing parents in this episode: Linda killing the mood during Tina's AV Closet heart to heart with Jimmy Jr. with her "Hi!!!" and pointing out how Tina's room stinks, and Bob taking up a nerdy hobby and trying to force

It's so you can stick your thumbs through the holes, which would cover your hands more and keep them warmer. I think it started in athletic wear and has moved into everyday clothing too.

The cut to the confused teacher's face as he was eating a burrito or whatever was what got me in that scene. Also, of course Chidi would pick the teacher.

It made me immediately think of Ilana and Alia Shawkat hooking up on Broad City. I think also the fact that everyone treated it so casually is cool, though it was just a small moment. She has also made a few comments about how hot Tahani is.

I need to find gif of Janet somehow keeping the same face while Jason tries to shove cake into her teeth.

I really want them to ask people "Who is the weirdest person you've had a sex dream about?" but I feel like half the people wouldn't give an answer, so this would be a good alternative.

You damn whippersnappers and your newfangled books! I'd chase you off my lawn but I'm already in my pajamas.

Yeah! The sequel came out this year, and while I don't think it's as good as the original it's still really funny. Definitely don't judge the book by its cover on that one, the title, Stiletto, combined with the illustration makes it look like the kind of book that's about an architect who's a high-class call girl by

The Rook by Daniel O'Malley is a recent book (came out in 2012) I read that is very fun and made laugh a bunch of times. It's sci-fi, which I know some people look down on, but the world building and characters are pretty well done, and the book is self aware about most of the ridiculousness. It's about a recent

Oh shit, totally did not realize that! It was so unexpected, usually any time a TV character walks into the street I get scared they will get hit by a car (or that characters driving a car who take their eyes off the road will get T-boned in a horrific car accident), but I did not anticipate Brooklyn Nine-Nine doing

While fast-moving zombies aren't a new thing, it was very fun how batshit crazy the zombies were in the movie. But they're subdued when it's dark & quiet, which allows for some slower-paced, suspenseful scenes too.

Wow, you are one very devoted Max Greenfield fan to still want to watch the show even after hearing his character is brutally raped with a drill.

Hahah, that sounds like the reaction my friend had, who said, "What is he even doing? It's making me uncomfortable to watch him…"

I thought he was okay live (I also saw him open for Chance), not the best but certainly not the worst. My friend and I were divided on whether his dance moves were endearingly dorky or painfully embarrassing to watch, though.

It used to be used to describe indie/"alternative" R&B (ie mainly black) singers like The Weeknd, Frank Ocean, Janelle Monae, Solange, etc. circa 2011, though they've all since blown up, and The Weeknd and Frank Ocean especially are now big enough names that they don't count as hipster anymore. So both helpful and not

ABC… 3 letters… 3 Washington Lane! The next clue is next to the White House!!!

Ooo, are we doing a pun thread?! I just jumped up in excitement so fast I got Vertigo!

Man, Terry Crews (and really everyone in the cast) is so underrated. His freakout and subsequent shy little kid shuffle upon meeting the author was just physical comedy gold. How is that man so funny AND, as Jake would say, so jaaaaacked?! And I think I remember someone saying his skill at drawing is real thing too!

Boyles don't do beaches. We're not swimmers—we're burrowers.