I read that as "typing messages to pigeons and throwing them out the window" and thought you were just trying to communicate with your only friends, the pigeons, by throwing little notes outside.
I read that as "typing messages to pigeons and throwing them out the window" and thought you were just trying to communicate with your only friends, the pigeons, by throwing little notes outside.
Nevermind, skimmed his Instagram, and one picture I clicked on was reposted from Toni Collette, except the original (normally framed) picture was zoomed in on his face and cropped so her face was half cut off. He also posted a shirtless selfie and tagged himself in some photos. I'm leaning toward "harrowing look into…
Or, an old man who is just terrible at taking pictures. (But also still entertaining.)
The one that randomly pops up in my head the most is:
I get kind of annoyed how often they use "Jake's super detective skills kick in at the eleventh hour when everyone else has lost hope," but liked how this time he was doing it all for his Sarge, along with all the other times throughout the episode where he backed Terry up. Even though it was crazy to imagine anyone…
Her facial expressions never fail to surprise me and make me laugh. Her plastered-on, joking but not really smile as she said, "I'm going to drive you both off the road and into a wall. I'm going to kill you." was absolutely perfect.
Janelle Monae also dropped out of college after a year, but I'm more impressed than anything that she had the guts to move to Atlanta at 19 and strike out on her own in the music business, which I can't even fathom doing.
You'd kill Missy Elliott??!!!? You're the worst and I hate you. For me, it'd probably be FFF. And marry Janelle Monae.
Chris Rock is actually so racist that he mistakes himself for Chris Tucker.
(I kid, I kid, I get why people get them confused and don't actually think you're racist)
I will always love her for her part in 30 Rock, especially that line about the eclipse.
Yeah what Booyakasha said: http://www.huffingtonpost.c…
Reading it again, I now realize "I'll never speak to her again" is out of embarrassment and not anger, but I still saw some unfairly angry (in my opinion) internet comments directed at Kristen Wiig, which was what prompted my comment.
Eh, I know John Goodman is way more beloved, but neither of them really came out sounding like they're in the right in that situation. Yes, she could've been more welcoming to him, both in the sense of how we expect elder statesman-young upstart and fan-celebrity interactions to go, but he also could've barged in on…
That's so messed up, can't believe they had an opossum doing raccoon-face in 2014.
I hope so, she's definitely got the sociopathic/vapid entertainer persona locked down.
Even before I saw the trailer, the topic made me think Farley (and Bobby Bottleservice!) or Gina would be somehow involved, as improbable as that may be.
I was laughing at how that seemed to be turn on for both of them. And when Abbi gestured to Ilana that they fucked and then was like, "Nah we just made out."
Oh you're right good catch! I think they've said they're trying to make the episodes more serialized this season. Well, I guess having a three-second scene with a rat in Ilana's apartment is not really serialized, but I wasn't as concerned about the Abbi-Trey thing as Kayla was because I'm sure it'll come up again in…
I thought she initially said (before/around the time of Metropolis I think?) that it was going to be four suites released as EPs over MySpace, clearly she's changed tactics haha. But I still thought The Electric Lady would wrap up that narrative and she'd do something else, but since it goes up to Suite V now it seems…
When I went to Outside Lands in 2010 she drove by in a little motorized cart and waved at us as she passed through. I knew who she was but hadn't listened to her music yet, nor did I go see her show that day. GAH I WAS SO DUMB. But it was probably for the best because if that had happened after I got into her music, I…