AH! That line always struck me as odd, but I blocked out the prequels from my mind. So Vader knew Leia was his daughter, and that's how he found
Can you briefly explain how and when Vader found out? I feel like I missed something HUGE.
How does this make him a gang member? Criminal, yeah, but he's not part of any truly organized crime gang.
They're offering to sell their "services." Meet in person and bring a gun.
Just don't be a dick. That's a human on the other end of the phone, and they at the mercy of not just you, but also the corporation you hate.
One person even threatened to kill himself if Sony didn't fix PSN, Dan says. "We had to escalate that to the [Sony Computer Entertainment] department. I don't know what they did with it. We do take things like that seriously."
I'm going to Bovine University!
Why did I leave ALL the whiskey at home??
I hope this ends with her getting a real job with benefits and a sexual harassment policy...I bet she gets real offers from people who are outraged.
What exactly makes this "420"?
News flash: Tech companies already have teams hacking into their security to look for flaws. Please go shut down the New York Post or something, GAWD!
Hmm, you're definitely OK to start, but the game may get into Book 3 territory in coming episodes...if you're caught up on the TV show you will be fine.
gotta get that $$$$
I got the cheaper model (400?) because the price dropped below $ definitely helps me with getting out of bed when it's still dark, and I'm a bit more pleasant when the noise kicks in, but I can still clearly see that it's a cold dark hellscape out there. The interface isn't great, something I imagine the…
I got the cheaper model (400?) because the price dropped below $ definitely helps me with getting out of bed…
Iron Bull is my DPS/Tank mainstay. The tricky part is rotating characters enough to get fun banter going...I love Sera but rogues aren't quite as helpful as mages and warriors in my experience so far...(30-40 hours maybe?)
I hate Facebook. I try not to use it, ever if possible, but it has become requisite. Just last week I learned of a very close friend's death only via facebook. Had I not seen all the posts, I would have missed out even though we hung out the previous weekend...
Rayman Legends for best art design!