Right, I guess maybe we could call it an MMOFPS to split the difference...
Right, I guess maybe we could call it an MMOFPS to split the difference...
This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a man (Ajay Ghale) returning to his ancestral home to spread his mother's ashes. Players engage in a variety of frenetic combat missions and use machine guns, pistols, shotguns, knives, and explosives to kill enemy fighters amid mountainous…
Destiny isn't really an MMO, it's a first-person shooter with MMO elements.
Right? Sometimes I gotta answer the door! How else am I getting my weed/pizza/sex?
I know the feels, I can barely do voice chat with my windows open in Crown Heights without my whole Fireteam hearing every word going down on the corner.
And cops. They are not hesitating to pull those triggers!
He must be receiving tips on how to keep looking blind!
That's Destiny, folks...best FPS I've played in years, but I really, really hope they fix these basic issues NOW.
Q: "Male and female Guardians appear different in size. Does this affect their hit boxes?" A1: "Of course not, you f***ing moron, that would break the game." A2: "I wish I'd rolled a lady Guardian. They look better in literally everything." (Yes. Yes they do.)
Oh come on, polled people. "Figures" in general? Just... figures? Really? That's worse than collecting porno videos or ladies' underpants? What the heck am I supposed to put on my desk as I work?
The poll appeared on My Navi Woman, a version of the popular My Navi website geared towards Japanese women. Be aware that this poll does not reflect the opinion of the entire country, but just the individuals who replied. Also, it doesn't appear to reflect the opinions of those identifying themselves as gay or…
PS3: Destiny, whenever I got the TV to mahself...
Yeah, with Dead Space I finished 2, just barely...I got 3 for free on PS+, but I got about 30 minutes in before I realized it was a military shooter more than anything, and decided to put all those GB's to better use.
Ugh, and I'm JUST getting into my Destiny groove. Well played.
I lost all my interest with 2. It just...didn't work, and all the glowing comments were about where I stopped reading. I'm just not a Dead Space person, I guess....
One of my favorite bad movies...I just really hope it turns out to be good-bad and not just sad-bad.
This looks WONDERFUL. (Yes, the caps were necessary and appropriate. I'm THAT excited.)
When are they going to add kinky intersex threesomes?
Down the trail, we have to bury our "ill-fated team member," a paper doll we called Billy. (Cause of death: knowing too much about my character's shady past.) Growing up, maybe my favorite part of The Oregon Trail was naming my characters after my brothers and laughing my head off when they died of a snakebite or…
Also all the trans exclusion and erasure, and all the bi/pan/queer erasure and straight/gaywashing. I mean, Hollywood is still terrified of actually challenging any basic aspect of heteronormativity (besides occasionally dipping their toes in the tepid waters of homonormativity.)