And the Impreza isn't really a wagon it's a hatchback. But we don't remember what wagons looked like
And the Impreza isn't really a wagon it's a hatchback. But we don't remember what wagons looked like
Once upon a time Subaru brought the perfect Jalop car to our shores. The Legacy GT wagon had the oomph of a WRX, the space of an Outback and all three of the pedals a good car should have. And everybody who bought one could have shared an elevator.
Gotta be van art. It's all about expressing yourself!
1999 NB Miata Sport. I’ve had mine since new and while it still runs fine it definitely looks 25 years old.
Altima? WTF? Had one as an insurance rental and I spent 3 weeks wishing I had my wife's Pacifica on every curve. Blind spots you could build a house in and steering made of wet Kleenex is not comfortable.
Some people just can’t take a yoke!
Horses tend not to respond well to loud noises (siren) and flashing lights... OTOH it might throw you off and run away but it would probably not have damaged the truck!
So "drive it like you stole it" doesn't apply retroactively? Who knew?
No dice at that price. I had one of these for 10 years- also a stick and darker blue (a better color IMHO). Subaru sold fewer of these than some Ferrari models. So here’s what to expect:
I have a 2016 GTI which I love except you can't drive over 30 mph with the windows open. And even below that you have to have all 4 windows open all the way or the wind buffeting will make you crazy. Next time I test drive a car in February I will roll the window down!
1. I-95 in Connecticut
The commuter rail line I ride in Massachusetts used to hit and kill someone 2-3 times a year. About a year and a half ago they started running the evening trains on the track closer to the parking lots and fatalities dropped. Little things can make a big difference.
We don’t need a law because car dealers care about their reputation? Since when?
Honda Odyssey.
Massachusetts rotaries (aka traffic circles).
I’m confused. Why would you tow your engine? Does anybody buy a Corvette as a tow vehicle? And why does a Corvette need a V8 if the only people who drive them over 65 stole them? I only ever see corners in the right lane going the speed limit even when they aren't towing anything.
Is it that hard to find an original Beetle to put a Rolls Royce kit on? And using a current ginormous BMW grille would have been a step up in showing just how pretentious it is.
The NB Miata. I feel in love with it before it even existed when I was 13 and my neighbor took me for a ride in his MGB. I was an improved student when the NA came out and finally had a paycheck in time to buy an NB. 23 years later it still puts a smile on my face every time I drive it.
Only a sad boomer would pay more for a muscle car with a 3 speed slushbox