
Looks predictably dumb and ugly, and a waste of Sofia Boutella’s talents.

Rebel Moon Part 1: Been There Dune That 

“pushing her social agenda”

It only alienates the intolerant.

Another right wing lie! 👍

Deeply cynical. Also undoubtedly true.

Because AIs don’t donate to political campaigns.

It’s idiotic that he claimed he never pulled the trigger, but unless he said that under oath, you can’t prosecute people for stupid lies.

You’re right. I’ve seen it happen in front of me and no one has ever “pulled the trigger” and the weapon is always “defective.”

Why exactly would he get charged regardless of if he pulled the trigger or not?

They threatened to sue the dance studio I taught at in college for using the title of one of their movies in our local dance production that took place in the park and rec gym.

oh I see; we got one of them hard-shelled tacos

Apparently he had a public playlist on youtube and, you guessed it, a few of the videos are “(((they))) did 9/11"

I’m a lawyer getting ready to defend our client in an upcoming trial. Having read DeSantis’s statement, I am inspired. I am going to stop preparing for trial right now and just call up the plaintiff’s lawyer and say, “Hey, we’ve moved on, why don’t you drop your lawsuit?” I will report back on how it goes.

“I would just say, go back to what you did well,

If it was about class he’d promote union membership.

Then why did he call out the 350lb strawmen using welfare to “buy fudge rounds” in the song? That’s where the “it’s about class” argument stops making any sense. Elites aren’t on food stamps; poor people are. Whining that they’re a burden for being fat and poor serves the wealthy’s interests.

hey you sound like Oliver Anthony!

“Both sides serve the same master, and that master is not someone of any good to the people of this country”

It’s those Northern elites. They’re the reason life is so hard for blue collar working class Southerners. Not Republicans in red states who gut assistance programs and vote down infrastructure bills, or turn a blind eye to megacorps who silence labor movements or offshore jobs abroad and incorporate out of the Cayman

that might be a record speedrun for “finishing” the game! :P