
The whole “Nick Fury has changed/slowed down” thing seemed a bit overwrought to me, until, after he was telling that story about the segregated train, I thought “Is Sam Jackson THAT old?” He’s 72! So I guess him sitting and wheezing on a park bench after a physical altercation makes sense?

The best part (because of the Snydervese apologists) is that they almost certainly used Cavill’s suit during the auditions to replace him.

That was the first thing I saw her in too.

Was also a...well, not exactly how to describe her, but a bad influence on House of Cards (where she looks exactly NOTHING like Maisel - I couldn’t believe it was the same person).

Cool, look forward to them getting as far as costume tests before Zaslav sells Superman rights to Citibank or something.

She’s the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel!

I honestly thought I’d never see another comic book movie but they just cast the best possible actress for Lois Lane since...ever. I can’t believe I’m actually kind of excited about this. It's hard to believe that a high profile Hollywood comic book movie actually went with the best actress for part and not the

It’s been a long time since I was in school, but I remember that every so often I would begin writing a paper with a particular point of view on a topic, and find out halfway through that I no longer agreed with my original argument. This was very frustrating, because it meant that I basically had to start from

You included a link to fucking Fox News? My cat could Google this shit and find nine better sources.

The fact that there’s basically no way that Harry and Meghan could possibly produce interesting content means its pretty much entirely Spotify’s fault that they offered that much money to them without hammering out more concrete terms about how much content they would actually be producing. It’s not a surprise to

It wasn't their fault that the show outran the source material, but the crap of the last few seasons sure was.

I say this as a 56 year old wealthy white man who doesn’t understand the fascination his wife has with the Royal Family and thinks “ok boomer” is almost as dumb an insult as “snowflake.”

I feel like this is my reaction to every single thing on this site that I click on anymore. “Who wrote this, and why, and what made them think that spraying five incoherent paragraphs at it would enhance the tortured joke they seem to be trying to make?”

This just in: actor acts differently in different movies. 

I saw both Huntsman movies and they were very silly.

... I’m sorry but what even is this? “An actor is in 2 movies and acting differently in them”?

Same. Well, I do know for sure I watched it, but I’d be hard-pressed to tell you anything specific about it. A very “generic action Netflix algorithm” movie.

I doubt they had any clauses like that, I think they just had the clout at that point. As you say, everyone expected them to be the most in demand showrunners of all time after GoT was done. Their stock didn’t fall until the show was over, and at that point, well, the show was over, so what was HBO going to do?

And now

Eh, in-his-prime Billy Crystal was a pretty good looking dude, and I know from experience that a decent sense of humor helps you punch well above your weight.

Samantha Lewes catching strays 35 years later even though she’s been dead since 2002? Brutal.