
Anyone who is a “real estate investor” under 45 got a ton of money from their parents and are almost all failsons/daughters who only aren’t failing because real estate investment is literally the easiest fucking thing in the world. 

And he looks like someone who the only arcade game he would play is Golden Tee.

Thank you for making me snort my coffee. Bravo. I can still remember walking through the mist of axe body spray in middle school.

I didn’t watch the video and I can still agree with this estimation.

And the chances of any of these people being real is, what, 1:5,000,000?

I’d say we should eat the rich, but I’m reasonably certain he would taste like Axe body spray.

Sure, Kushner brokered peace treaties trade deals between warring countries countries that were never at war.

Please use his full title: noted friend of Jeffrey Epstein, admitted massage enthusiast and alleged pedophile Alan Dershowitz.

So Harvey Weinstein consultant, OJ Simpson-defender, Epstein underwear massage-getter Alan Dershowitz is upset. Because he was taken to task about hanging with former students, at least two of whom (Pompeo and Ted Cruz) are assholes. I wouldn’t be quick to claim them.

Oh is there peace in the Middle East? I had no idea!

Based on how Dershowitz himself described the encounter, I think it’s more accurate to say Dershowitz accosted David. Because apparently what happened was Dershowitz saw David in the store and said hello to him, and David ignored him and walked away, and Dershowitz followed him with the “We can still talk” bullshit.

Best season of Curb Your Enthusiasm ever. Leaving LA for Martha’s Vineyard was a great idea.

This probably won’t be popular, but it’s the most realistic:

Afghani women needed to get out before the withdrawl date come hell or high water. And now it might be too late.

it absolutely sucks. but that’s what it is. It is highly unlikely that they’d have continued enjoying the rights they had while we were there,

I’m thinking they’re mouth breathers that can’t stand the smell of their gross breath.

I legitimately do not understand parents suddenly being anti mask. A year ago we were all railing that opening schools was going to kill all the teachers and the kids. Now we want them there with zero protection. Make it make sense?

cue the snarky bullshit from the “mah freedumbs/you’re not the boss of me” crowd that scientists don’t know what they’re doing. Actually as a former scientist I can affirm they know EXACTLY what they’re doing—drawing new conclusions based on new evidence or data. It’s not that fucking hard people—if the weatherman

Anybody who refers to their pets as “fur babies” should be institutionalized.  

It fucking annoys me that we ALLOW people to not be vaccinated. In a society, you should not have the right to endanger other people.

New round of QAnon conspiracy theories in 3...2...1...

It f#%&ing annoys me that if you put 3 (or so) “adults” (safely) beside each other, on average, one of them isn’t vaccinated. Blows my mind, but I guess after everything we’ve seen and heard over the past handful of years, it’s all par for the course.