For once you don’t have to warp the question to have the answer be Miata.
For once you don’t have to warp the question to have the answer be Miata.
That’s an insult to dip shits.
$4200 to wrap a vehicle that’s all flat panels. There are ZERO complex curves or body lines to follow. This is the automotive equivalent of wrapping a boxed birthday present.
$4,200 on making it look exactly the same.
Incurring multiple criminal charges and a whole lot of money problems when everyone involves successfully sues your ass off, while ripping off the door of your own vehicle, rather than just paying the towing fee: When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong.
I could see about a year ago that things had started to cool as there were actual cars at the dealership that were for sale and even had a small discount on them. They were all sold before they hit the dealer a few years ago and I’m sure there were markups attached to some. It makes sense as the hype is always around…
If they had done like Tesla, and showed a fake video of their cars self driving with no one in the car, and called the technology ‘full self driving’ or something similar, and had a CEO that constantly talked about how they figured out self driving and were only dealing with the regulation, then even if they put in…
Literally as it allows you to use it, the systems says “BE PREPARED TO TAKE CONTROL.” Sure, it’s a CYA, but it’s a legit warning.
It definitely should be investigated if Blue Cruise is failing in some scenarios at a worryingly high rate. Given 2 similar accidents with stationary vehicles at night, that seems to be the case. However, that lawyer is way, way over his skis claiming that this is the vehicles fault. Ford is not Tesla. AFAIK they’ve…
maybe someone could find some other kids to break this kid’s legs
kid needs an ankle monitor
Ankle bracelet monitoring. Mandatory curfew. Home detention. ???
It seems like, at least sometimes, he drove a car through the door.
Where the hell are his parents, and why isn’t he in school/at home under lockdown?
What are the parents doing? Then again, if the parents are arrested, this kid will go in to the foster system and continue to commit crimes. If he stays with his parents, he’ll continue to commit crimes without the baggage of being a foster child. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Next time, amend state laws so…
“but their efforts are severely hampered by the fact he’s too young to be arrested or jailed for most nonviolent offenses under the state’s juvenile justice laws.”
I’d suggest going after the parents but I suspect that might not be effective.
Start spreading a rumor they’re taking over the street in support of Palestine.
I am the farthest thing from “acab”, but where the FUCK are the cops when this is happening? I’ve been to LA and Oakland, there seem to be cops everywhere until this nonsense is going down. Block the streets and arrest them ALL.